Gender & the body’s wisdom - Uncovering internalized oppression through tools of yoga

July 23, 2021

To dismantle patriarchy we (all genders) have to unlearn it within ourselves. This workshop is a humble step towards that. Gender and the ascribed roles, behaviors and attributes are not a biological phenomena but rather a social construction. Therefore each one of us has learned to perform their subscribed gender and internalized the oppressive system of patriarchy through their individual experience. Often this process is painful, or even traumatic as it ignores the emotional and physical reality and the resonance of our bodies to the set of attributes and behaviors learned. In this workshop we will untangle how we learned gender and which parts actually work for us and resonate with our embodied existence. For that we will use some tools of hatha yoga, such as posture practice, breath work and introspection.

This event is part of the Truth & Reconciliation Week , which works with facilitators decentralized for COVID Relief. I volunteer to teach this session to help and provide some support for those needing it the most right now. So as a payment for the workshop I kindly ask you for a donation.

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